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Run your R&D as a Community

In a fast changing environment where customer needs are rapidly redefined and get more and more personalized, traditional structures of R&D teams just can’t keep with the pace. In this talk, I will share our experience with building a new way to run R&D - as a distributed community. We will talk about organizational structure & culture, how it influences the product architecture and the tools we needed to build in order to enable the change and bring more value to our customers.

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About the content

This talk was delivered live in June 2017 at AltConf. The video was recorded, produced, and transcribed by Realm, and is published here with the permission of the conference organizers.

Udi Lumnitz

Udi leads developer community at Applicaster, building a platform that enables broadcasters and media companies to create an app without a developer’s hand. He’s been an iOS developer since day 1, writing code in Swift, Objective-C & JavaScript, and has lead R&D teams at several startups over the years.

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