Making a Lasting Impact Panel

Victor Agreda, Saul Mora, Jay Freeman, Delisa Mason “With the constantly shifting topography of mobile and Apple platforms in general, what does it mean to make a lasting contribution?”

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This talk was recorded at AltConf 2015. Watch all the videos!

About the content

This content has been published here with the express permission of the author.

Victor Agreda

Victor Agreda

Saul Mora

Trained in the mystical and ancient arts of manual memory management, compiler macros and separate header files. Saul Mora is a developer who honors his programming ancestors by using Optional variables in swift on all UIs created from Nib files. Despite being an Objective C neckbeard, Saul has embraced the Swift programming language. Currently, Saul resides in Shanghai China working at 流利说 (Liulishuo) helping Chinese learn English while he is learning 普通话 (mandarin).

Jay Freeman

Jay Freeman

Delisa Mason

Delisa Mason

4 design patterns for a RESTless mobile integration »
